Admission Policy
- Admissions are announced through National Newspapers and admission advertisement is uploaded on the website of the Institute and all
social media like Facebook, Instagram etc. - The prospectus along with the application form for admission is available from Muslim Commercial Bank’s Sir Syed University Branch on payment of Rs. 1,200/-
- The candidates applying for admission must ll form neatly and must attached all required documents as mentioned in the application form.
- Original documents should not be attached with the application form.
- Application Form and the documents attached with the application shall not be returned.
- Incomplete Application Form shall not be considered.
- The Application Form shall be rejected in case the candidate is found guilty of suppression or misrepresentation of material facts.
- Admission are open to all in following five categories without any privilege or discrimination of race, religion or language.
Category 1 (1st Year DAE 3 Year Programme):
- Candidate must have passed either Technical School Certificate (TSC) or Secondary School Certificate (SSC -Science) with minimum 33% marks or an equivalent foreign examination recognized by the Sindh Board of Technical Education.
CATEGORY 2: (Direct Admission in 2nd Year DAE 2 Year Programme):
Candidate must have passed either Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC Science Pre-Eng/ HSC Science Pre-Med/ HSC Comp.Science) with minimum 33% marks or an equivalent foreign examination recognized from any board.
CATEGORY 3: (2 Year D.COM Programme):
The educational prerequisites for pursuing a diploma in business administration are: Matriculation or Equivalent.
For Morning Shift: Minimum 15 years and Maximum 22 years of age.
Note: Maximum age limit is relaxable by Ministry of Education upto two years in case of rural Area Candidates. Selection is made on merit determined on the basis of academic record, Admission Test and Interview.
For Evening Shift: Upto 35 years of age.
- Admission Form must be filled neatly by the candidate in his own handwriting. All entries must be filled.
- Copy of duly filled online admission form with candidate’s signature and date.In both cases admission form will be submitted in Registration Department along with required documents, paid processing fee challan of Rs. 500/- and document verification fee of Rs. 300/-
- The candidates applying for admission must attach necessary documents as required in the respective Application Form.
- Original documents should not be attached. The originals must be produced at the time of the interview and whenever required.
- Application Form and the documents attached with the Application Form shall not be returned.
- Incomplete Application Forms shall not be considered.
- The Application Form shall be rejected in case the candidate is found guilty of suppression or misrepresentation of material facts.
After having qualified for the award of Diploma of Associate Engineer in one Technology, admission for second Diploma in another Course/technology is not allowed in regular program.REJECTION OF APPLICATION
The Principal can reject any application or cancel/withdraw the admission of any student without assigning any reason.
- Candidates selected for admission are required to pay fee in cash at MCB SSUET Branch through prescribed challan. , copy of which is to be submitted along with the following documents (in original) for registration with the Institute at the Reception Counter of the Institute. (a) Medical Fitness Certificate (Original) (b) Migration Certificate(Original)
- In-case a candidate fails to take admission as required under para (1) above and does not join his/her class on or before the specified date, his/her seat will be declared vacant and will be filled up from the candidates on the waiting list.
- The Principal will be the Competent Authority to cancel or withdraw the admission of any candidate after hearing him/her.
- Candidates who are admitted will be issued Student Identity Cards. All students are required to carry or produce original AIT student Identity card whenever it is required.
- Change of technology or shift will be admissible within one month after admission depending on seat availability. Rs. 2000/- will be charged for any change of technology case.
- (a) Second Year Class:
A first year student who passes in at least two (02) subjects of his/her technology in the 1st annual examination of that session shall be promoted to second year class. He/ she will be allowed to appear in the forth-coming examinations in the failing subjects.
- (b) Third Year Class:
A second year student who fails to pass in any subject of 2nd year of his/her technology in the annual examinations of that session will be promoted to third year class and will be required to re-appear in the failing courses in the forth-coming examinations.
Every candidate selected for admission will have to produce a certificate of Medical Fitness from a Registered Medical Practitioner.TIMINGS
- Morning Shift 8:00 A.M. TO 2:15 P.M.
2. Evening Shift 2:00 P.M.TO 7:30 P.M.
Note: The management reserves the right to alter the shift timing according to the constraints of the timetable and physical facilitie
The Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE) conducts the examination and awards the Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) to successful candidates. Institutes are not allowed by rule to issue any kind of certificates to the students unless authorized by the board.
- All Charges are payable in advance for a whole year and are NOT REFUNDABLE.
- Admission will be given in each higher class after the payment of full tuition fee before commencement of the classes and approval of the Principal.

Registration with SBTE
- Once admitted in AIT all students are required to get registered with the SBTE. Registration Form along with all required documents to be submitted to SBTE by the last date as announced by the board.
- Students who fail to get registered with SBTE, will not be allowed to submit Examination Form and consequently will lose Studentship of AIT.
- Sindh Board of Technical Education conducts the Annual Examinations throughout Sindh Province. Admit cards to the eligible students are issued by the Board.
- To appear in the examination, a student is required to attend teaching classes of not less than 75%.
- The medium of teaching, instructions and examination is English.
- No Registration & Examination Form shall be accepted by SBTE directly from the student.
- No Examination Form will be accepted without registration slip issued by the Board.
- A student who does not appear in the Board examination for two academic years consecutively, shall not be eligible to
reappear in the subsequent examination and shall be removed from the roll of the Institute.
Award of Diploma
- The Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE) award the Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) to the successful candidates.
- As per Rules Institutions affiliated with the SBTE is not allowed to issue any kind of certificates to the students unless authorized by the SBTE.
Mid-term Examination
- AIT conducts mid-term examinations, the results of the examinations and overall performance of the students are being shared with their parents.
- 1. Under CCTE Sino-Pak Dual Diploma Joint Education Program, the students need to study 2 years in Pakistan and 1 year in China. China Tang will provide students’ scholarship in China which includes accommodation, food, studies requirements and fees.
- . All students passing SSC/TSC examination with Grade A-1 & A, seeking admission in the 1st Year DAE (any technology) in the same year, will be awarded a merit scholarship equal to an amount of Tuition Fee for the 1st Year subject to availability of seats and will continue to get the same amount in subsequent years, provided he/she passes every examination in the first attempt with minimum grade “A”
- Scholarships and financial assistance are also provided to financial hardship and studious students with specific reference to
regularity in attendance, merit in studies, family income, progress in studies in the Institute and the results of SBTE
Examination. (Scholarships are also awarded up to 100% of tuition fee to students who have obtained 1st & 2nd & 3rd position
in their first attempt in SBTE Examination). Criteria for award of Scholarship for Diploma Courses from Second Year
onwards are formulated by the Scholarship Committee. - The Scholarship Committee also grants fee concession up to 75% to students who are financially deficient and keen to
continue their studies and have shown evidence of the same by his/her good academic performance as well as attendance. - The family of late ( Prof. Dr Syed Jawaid Hasan Rizvi Ex Vice Chancellor SSUET ) has established a scholarship program in his name for the deserving students of AIT.
Awards of Medal
- Aslam Shah Khan Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals are awarded by the Donor’s Family to the students who get First, Second and
Third Position respectively in their final year examinations held by the Sindh Board of Technical Education.
- The character is the destiny of man. It aims at developing attitudes and capacity to behave in a dignified manner in all circumstances. The progress and development of the present-day Muslim World are seriously hampered by moral turpitude and lack of self-discipline. Building a character is, therefore, particularly very important. We must have our own criterion of morals in the light of Quranic teachings. The importance of teaching and training the youth to act in accordance with Islamic manners is what has been inculcated at Aligarh. The Aligarh Muslim Old Boys’ Association of Pakistan is trying its utmost to keep alive the spirit of Aligarh Movement.
- All students of the Institute shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of the Institute and are under overall disciplinary control of the Principal.
- Breach of rules, misconduct, irregularity in attendance, idleness, lack of reasonable progress in studies, etc., will render a student liable to disciplinary action including expulsion or rustication from the Institute. In this regard, the Principal is the sole and final authority.
- Students who remain absent (for seven days at a stretch without notice) either from theory or practical classes will not be allowed to resume their study until a satisfactory explanation is submitted and accepted.
- A student desirous of leaving the Institute must apply in writing and such an application must be countersigned by the student’s parent or guardian. Admission once canceled shall not be restored.
- Students are strictly forbidden from submitting applications, appeals or any other communication direct to any authority other than the Head of Department. Any contravention of this rule shall make the student liable for disciplinary action.
- The following, among others, shall constitute acts of indiscipline for which action shall be taken against the student or
- Breach of any rule of public morality, such as:
i) Use of indecent or filthy language.
ii) Disorderly behavior, such as shouting, abusing, quarreling, fighting and insolence. - Defiance of authority
- False impression or giving false information or willful suppression of information, cheating or deceiving.
- Visiting places declared out of bounds for students.
- Inciting or staging a walkout, strike or an unauthorized procession.
- Shouting of slogans derogatory to the prestige of the Institute or the reputation of its officers or teachers, wall chalking/misuse of Notice Boards, etc.
- Political activities of any nature within the Campus.
- Displaying any banner or poster in the Institute except as allowed by the Principal, for official functions of the Institute.
- Refusal to show the Institute Identity Card as and when demanded by any official of the institute.
- Not wearing properly the prescribed uniform of the Institute.
- Use of prayer place, or any part of the premises for any other purpose except prayers, without the prior written approval of the Principal.
- Cheating or attempting to cheat at an examination.
- Boycotting an examination, persuading or forcing others to boycott, or disrupt an examination.
- Breach of any rule of public morality, such as:
- Damage to the Institute’s Property
Any willful damage or loss to the property of the Institute will be charged to students individually or collectively as recommended by Disciplinary Committee.